Pranayama: The Art of Yogic Breath

Unlock Vitality:
Mastering Pranayama for Lifelong Wellness Welcome to our comprehensive Pranayama course, where you'll harness the power of breath to elevate your yoga practice and transform your lifestyle.
The Essence of Pranayama:

Pranayama, often overlooked, stands as the cornerstone of physical yoga practice. It involves extending the life force, Prana, by regulating breath. The breath, intricately connected to physical and mental functions, holds the key to overall health improvement. Correcting and controlling your breath will naturally enhance your well-being.
Seize Control of Your Lifeforce :
Your breath is a finite resource, symbolizing the span of your life. From the first inhalation to the final exhalation, every breath matters. How you manage this limited resource shapes your journey. Will you let it slip away, or will you mindfully navigate it? Learning to lengthen your breath is akin to extending your lifespan gracefully and healthily.
Explore the Ten Pillars of Pranayama
Join our course to delve into ten transformative pranayama techniques, each accompanied by detailed introductions and benefits. All guided practices are downloadable, granting you the flexibility to play them on your laptop or cell phone at your convenience.
The ten pranayamas covered are:
- Yogic Breath
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Anuloma & Viloma Ujjayi Pranayama
- Pratiloma Ujjayi Pranayama
- Surya & Chandra Bedhana
- Nadi Sodhana
- Bhastrika
- Kapalabhati
- Shitali & Shitkari
- Samantraka Pranayama
Course Highlights
This transformative course comprises over 30 lessons, offering a cumulative 5 hours of on-demand video content. Elevate your practice, enhance your well-being, and embark on a journey to master the art of Pranayama for a healthier, more vibrant life. Start your transformative journey today!

Price in Mexican Pesos: $ 750 MX - $ 40 USD
NOTE: Upon purchase, download PDF file for registration instructions.